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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Meaning=, for_children: n, latest_content: 1"
Sacred Balance An exquisite, lyrical, and practice-oriented exploration of the path of spiritual balance.
Freedom Substantive overview of the history of freedom.
Think Like A Monk An accessible and practical self-help book for those of all spiritual traditions or no tradition.
Why We're Polarized A brilliantly insightful explanation of how negative partisanship has reshaped the political landscape in the United States.
The Cornel West Reader An outstanding overview of the thought, theory, and commitments of the African-American public intellectual.
Non Obvious Megatrends The trend-curator's prognostications about the what's happening that will shape the future.
Strange Rites A fascinating, adventuresome, and encyclopedic overview of seven new faiths in a post-religion age.
Thank You for Voting A handy and important nonpartisan resource for this Presidential election year.
Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict Dazzling essays on the amazing power, variety, and impact of words.
Internationalism or Extinction A fervent call to take the path of worldwide cooperation to avoid terminal disaster for the planet.